Navigating through the structure of DOM by using Selectors API

Оne of the most common things you'll want to do is manipulate the document structure in some way. This is usually done by using the Document Object Model (DOM), a set of APIs for controlling HTML and styling information that makes heavy use of the Document object. DOM introduces objects that represent HTML elements and their properties. For example:

  1. document.DocumentElement is <html>
  2. document.Body is the body of the page

The DOM Selectors API supports methods that can be used to locate HTML elements in the DOM tree by either: ID, name, class or tag type. For example, we can use:

  1. GetElementById or QuerySelector to select single element:
            var elementById = _document.GetElementById("Listfriends");
            var elementBySelector = _document.QuerySelector("#Listfriends");
            Console.WriteLine($"Listfriends is {elementById.TagName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Listfriends is {elementBySelector.TagName}");                           
  2. GetElementsBy... or querySelectorAll to select a collection of elements we can us:
            var inputs = _document.GetElementsByTagName("input");
            Console.WriteLine($"We have {inputs.Length} inputs");
            //var radiosGroup = _document.GetElementsByName("rr");
            //Console.WriteLine($"We have {radiosGroup.Length} radio");
            var unorderedList = _document.QuerySelectorAll("ul");
            Console.WriteLine($"We have {unorderedList.Length} ULs");                      
  3. predefined collections of elements like Links , Forms etc.
            var links = _document.Links;
            Console.WriteLine($"We have a {links.Length} links.");
            var forms = _document.Forms;            
            Console.WriteLine($"We have a {forms.Length} forms.");

DOM API contains methods for selecting elements based on some characteristic

Please, note that GetElementsByName is only announced and will be implemented in version 17.11

The querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods let you enter a CSS selector as a parameter and return the selected elements as DOM elements:

Both methods take as a string parameter. This parameter often named as CSS selectors. A number of CSS selector categories exist:

Selector Description Example
Element Select by matching elements input
Class Select by matching 'class' attributes .newsletter
ID Select by matching 'id' attributes #listfriends
Child Select by finding direct children ul>li
Descendent Select by finding all decedents ul li
Sibling Selects nearest next sibling h1+p
Attribute Selects based on an attribute and or its value input[type='button']
Pseudo Selects based on a CSS selector:psuedo class ul:first-child
Grouping Selects based on a group of selectors h1, p, ul
Combining Select based on a combined 'complex' selector ul#listfriend>li:last-child

A number of CSS selector categories exist:

The following examples make use of this sample HTML5 document:

In first two examples we trying to set class attribute of element with id='listfriends' to 'newsletter' value and do the same with all p-elements.

Example 1.
Using GetElementById Using QuerySelector

var element1 = document.GetElementById("Listfriends");            
element1.SetAttribute("class", "newsletter");

var element1 = document.QuerySelector("#Listfriends");
element2.SetAttribute("class", "newsletter");
Example 2.
Using GetElementById Using QuerySelector

    var elements2 = document.GetElementsByTagName("p");
    foreach (var element in elements2)
        element.SetAttribute("class", "newsletter");

    var elements2 = document.QuerySelectorAll("p");
    foreach (var element in elements2)
        element.SetAttribute("class", "newsletter");

The following code fragment shows various Selector API queries.

        // Select by matching 'class' attributes.intro
        var element3 = _document.QuerySelector(".intro");
        Console.WriteLine(element3.TagName); // DIV

        //Select by matching 'id' attributes Lastname
        var element4 = _document.QuerySelector("#Lastname");
        Console.WriteLine(element4.TagName); //SPAN

        //Select by finding direct children 
        var collection5 = _document.QuerySelectorAll("ul>li");
        Console.WriteLine(collection5.Length); //4

        //Descendent Select by finding all decedents div p
        var collection6 = _document.QuerySelectorAll("div p");
        Console.WriteLine(collection6.Length); //4

        //Sibling Selects nearest next sibling h1+p
        var collection7 = _document.QuerySelectorAll("ul+h3");
        Console.WriteLine(collection7.Length); //1

        //Attribute Selects based on an attribute and or its value  input[type = 'button']
        var collection8 = _document.QuerySelectorAll("input[type = 'checkbox']");
        foreach (var element in collection8)
            Console.WriteLine(element.Id); //cc1 cc2 cc3
        Console.WriteLine(collection8.Length); //3

        //Selects based on a CSS selector: psuedo class ul : first-child
        var collection9 = _document.QuerySelector("p:first-child");
        Console.WriteLine(collection9.TextContent); // My name is Donald Duck 

Here is full example code: